Psicothema was founded in Asturias (northern Spain) in 1989, and is published jointly by the Psychology Faculty of the University of Oviedo and the Psychological Association of the Principality of Asturias (Colegio Oficial de Psicología del Principado de Asturias).
We currently publish four issues per year, which accounts for some 100 articles annually. We admit work from both the basic and applied research fields, and from all areas of Psychology, all manuscripts being anonymously reviewed prior to publication.
Berta Schnettler Morales1, Marianela Denegri Coria1, Horacio Miranda Vargas1, José Sepúlveda Maldonado1, Marcos Mora González2 and Germán Lobos Andrade3
1 Universidad de La Frontera,
2 Universidad de Chile and
3 Universidad de Talca
Background: Eating is one of the most frequent human behaviors, but there are few studies that relate eating and subjective well-being. Typologies of people were distinguished and characterized according to their level of satisfaction with life and food in central Chile. Method: A survey was applied to a sample of 1,277 people in the main municipalities of this area, distributed proportionally by municipality. The questionnaire included the SWLS scales (Satisfaction with Life Scale), SWFL (Satisfaction with Food-related Life), Health-Related Quality of Life Index (HRQOL), Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS), and respondents’ demographic characteristics and eating habits were also ascertained. Results: Using hierarchical cluster analysis, three typologies were distinguished with significant differences in the scores on the SWLS, SWFL, SHS, self-perception of health, days with physical or mental problems in the last month, sociodemographic characteristics and frequency with which the family eats together. Conclusions: The results suggest that a higher level of general subjective well-being, and eating is associated with better health, greater family interaction around meals, higher levels of happiness, and with some sociodemographic characteristics.
Satisfacción con la vida y la alimentación en la zona central de Chile. Antecedentes: la alimentación es uno de los comportamientos humanos más frecuentes, pero aun son escasos los estudios que relacionan la alimentación y el bienestar subjetivo. Se distinguieron y caracterizaron tipologías según su nivel de satisfacción con la vida y con la alimentación en la zona central de Chile. Método: se aplicó una encuesta a una muestra de 1.277 personas de las principales comunas de esta zona, distribuidas proporcionalmente por comuna. El cuestionario incluyó las escalas SWLS (Satisfaction with Life Scale), SWFL (Satisfaction with Food-related Life), el índice de calidad de vida relativo a la salud (ICVRS), la escala de felicidad subjetiva (SHS) y, se consultaron características demográficas y hábitos alimentarios de los encuestados. Resultados: mediante análisis de conglomerados jerárquicos se distinguieron tres tipologías con diferencias significativas en los puntajes de la SWLS, SWFL, SHS, auto percepción de la salud, días con problemas físicos o mentales en el último mes, características sociodemográficas y en la frecuencia de comidas junto a la familia. Conclusiones: los resultados sugieren que un mayor nivel de bienestar subjetivo general y con la alimentación se asocia con una mejor salud, superior interacción familiar en torno a la comida, mayor nivel de felicidad y con algunas características sociodemográficas.