Psicothema was founded in Asturias (northern Spain) in 1989, and is published jointly by the Psychology Faculty of the University of Oviedo and the Psychological Association of the Principality of Asturias (Colegio Oficial de Psicología del Principado de Asturias).
We currently publish four issues per year, which accounts for some 100 articles annually. We admit work from both the basic and applied research fields, and from all areas of Psychology, all manuscripts being anonymously reviewed prior to publication.
Juan Fernández, M. Ángeles Quiroga, Sergio Escorial and Jesús Privado
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Background: In spite of the verifiable achievements obtained in gender equity, one wonders if they still exist in our societies gendered activities (roles) at the household level. This study states an affirmative prediction. Gender role is here organized in four different nuclei: instrumentality inside and outside home for men; expressiveness and instrumentality inside home for women, pertaining to two clearly different domains (household activities for men and household activities for women). Method: 98 women and 86 men completed the Gender Roles Questionnaire (GRQ). Results: Obtained results showed that: (a) men and women do not do certain household activities (roles) with the same frequency; (b) the four-dimensional approach fits the data better than the one-dimensional and even better than the two-dimensional approach (household gender roles for men and women separately). Conclusion: Discussion focuses on the implications of these results for both research and education.
La división generizada de las tareas domésticas. Antecedentes: pese a los constatables logros en la igualdad de género, cabe preguntarse si todavía existen, en nuestras sociedades, actividades (roles) generizadas en el ámbito doméstico. La predicción es que sí. El rol de género se organiza aquí en cuatro núcleos diferentes: instrumentalidad intra y extra-hogar para los varones y expresividad e instrumentalidad intra-hogar para las mujeres, dentro de dos claros dominios (doméstico varón y doméstico mujer). Método: 98 mujeres y 86 varones respondieron al Cuestionario de Roles de Género (CRG). Resultados: los resultados pusieron de manifiesto: a) que varones y mujeres claramente difieren en el ejercicio de ciertas actividades (roles) domésticas; b) que el planteamiento de cuatro dimensiones se ajusta mejor a los datos que el unidimensional e, incluso, que el bidimensional (roles de género domésticos de varones y roles de género domésticos de mujeres). Conclusiones: se establecen las posibles implicaciones derivadas de estos resultados, tanto para el ámbito de la investigación como para el educativo.