Psicothema was founded in Asturias (northern Spain) in 1989, and is published jointly by the Psychology Faculty of the University of Oviedo and the Psychological Association of the Principality of Asturias (Colegio Oficial de Psicología del Principado de Asturias).
We currently publish four issues per year, which accounts for some 100 articles annually. We admit work from both the basic and applied research fields, and from all areas of Psychology, all manuscripts being anonymously reviewed prior to publication.
Rubén Martín Payo1, Xana González Méndez2, Cristina Papín Cano2, and Javier Suárez Alvarez1
1 Universidad de Oviedo and
2 Servicio de Salud del Principado de Asturias
Background: The aim ofthis study was to explore the psychometric properties of the Motiva.Diaf-DM2 questionnaire, which assesses adherence to a healthy diet and physical activity in patients with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). Method: Participants were 206 patients who attended primary care services, with a mean age of 69.63 years (SD = 11.05), with 39.3% of the participants being women. To assess the test-retest reliability of the measure, a random subsample (n = 40) of patients who had another appointment scheduled was selected to fill in the questionnaire once again two weeks after the initial administration. Results: The reliability of the scores was found to be appropriate both in terms of internal consistency (αfirst factor = .756; αsecond factor = .821) and temporal stability (r first factor = .604; r second factor = .638). The structure of the test is two-dimensional. The scores for the second dimension (adherence to physical activity) are in agreement with the scores for basic psychological needs (r physical activity = .281), resilience (r = .216), and glycated haemoglobin (r = -.182). Conclusions: The Motiva.Diaf-DM2 test was shown to have the appropriate relia-bility and validity to assess adherence to a healthy diet and physical activity in patients diagnosed with T2D.
Desarrollo y validación de un cuestionario para medir las características de la dieta y la actividad física en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 diabetes. Antecedentes: el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario Motiv.Diaf-DM2, diseñado para medir la adherencia a las recomendaciones dietéticas y de actividad física en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2. Método: participaron 206 pacientes que asistieron a consultas en atención primaria, cuya media de edad era de 69,63 años (DE = 11,05). El 39,3% fueron mujeres. Para evaluar la fiabilidad test-retest se seleccionaron 40 pacientes de la muestra inicial de entre los que tenían otra cita en el centro de salud, a los que se les ad-ministró nuevamente el cuestionario dos semanas tras la primera entrega. Resultados: se observó que la fiabilidad de las puntuaciones era adecuada en cuanto a consistencia interna (αprimer factor = .756; αsegundo factor = .821) y estabilidad temporal (r primer factor = .604; r segundo factor = .638). La estructura del test es bidimensional. Las puntuaciones de la segunda dimensión (actividad física) convergen con las puntuaciones de las necesidades psicológicas básicas (r actividad física = .281), resiliencia (r = .216) y hemoglobina glicosilada (r = -.182).Conclusiones: Motiva.Diaf-DM2 ha demostrado tener una adecuada fiabilidad y validez para evaluar la adherencia a las recomendaciones relacionadas con la dieta y la actividad física en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2.